We Care about You

To grow in the knowledge and grace of Christ

Rooted in the Gospel

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15)


The knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea.

UBF Education Institute

The UBF Education Institute is a function of UBF International HQ.  We believe in the power of the gospel of Jesus, who saves and transforms sinners by the power of His grace and the Spirit. We pray that in all our thoughts and endeavors, we may honor Christ, follow Him, and raise disciples who can advance His kingdom.


For spring 2024, we offer three courses: Biblical Doctrine 2 (led by Dr. Augustine Suh), New Testament Greek (led by Dr. Ezra Cho), and Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (led by P Greg Lewis, Steve Stasinos, and Dr Ruth Yoon). Regarding inquiries or applications to take classes, see: UBF News : (HQ EDUCATION ONLINE COURSE-SPRING 2024) - Register by February 4th!


A new website for the Education Department has been launched.

Feb 20, 2024

A new education platform for UBF is now available and an interactive website will launch later this year. Please share your suggestions with us.


Today's Daily Bread

Jul 27, 2024 1 Samuel 28: 15 - 25


When Samuel appeared, he rebuked Saul. Saul confessed his distress, saying, “God has departed from me.” Since the LORD had departed, Saul implored Samuel, “Tell me what to do.” Samuel asked Saul, “Why do you consult me?” The LORD had departed from Saul because he didn’t obey God. Now was the time wh...
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