Track Updates

The first track of WEW partnering with Love Bible Counseling offered an 8-lesson curriculum called "Biblical Soul Care'' (fall 2021). The second WEW track (spring 2022) was an 8-session virtual course on “Recharge” facilitated by Dr. Liz and Dr Abraham Lincoln and the WEW team. The third WEW track (fall 2022) was a 6-session course on “Delighting in the Trinity” led by Kathy Vucekovich and the WEW team.

UBF News : (HQ-WOMEN ENCOURAGING WOMEN COHORT) 2024 New Track "Remain" Starting in January 2024

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Report of the Fourth WEW track, “Christ-like Compassionate Care for Women in Ministry"

The fourth Women's Cohort Track Report (2023)

We concluded our fourth WEW cohort, “Christ-like Compassionate Care for Women in Ministry: Understanding Anxiety and Depression and Flourishing” (led by Crystal Morla, Ph.D., Grace Sun Lee, D.Ed.Min., and Grace Ahn-Im, Psy.D.). We held meetings for 6 weekly sessions from March 4th through April 15th, 2023. Twenty-four precious women from around the world (North America, Belize, Nigeria, Mexico, Kenya, Zambia, and India) participated in this track. Women serving the Lord from ages 21 to 60+ joined together in one main group and in small break out groups. Presenters provided information on how Anxiety and Depression impact the whole person (mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical) and on how to seek care for themselves and serve others when they are hurting with the compassion of Christ.

Participants were also equipped with practical tools including helpful communication skills, supportive listening, empathy, and validation skills, and how to intervene when someone is feeling suicidal. Guest testimony sharers also provided their stories of what was helpful and not helpful to them when they were hurting in their ministries. The workshop concluded with personal reflections from many precious women participants who shared how God used this timely workshop to help them know how to care for God’s hurting people while they attended the workshop. Some of the women shared that they learned “that God’s people are not immune to mental health struggles” and that “having a mental health condition is not a sign of weakness”. Women also said they learned to “listen, listen and listen instead of being a fixer” and that “showing compassion is more important than giving advise” or “knowing the right answer”. Praise God for His mighty work and holy spirit to move women’s hearts with compassion as well as bless our cohort presenters to equip them to seek support and give support to those who are hurting in ministry.

By Dr. Crystal Morla and the WEW Team


In this new year of 2023, we are pleased to announce the fourth WEW track, “Christ-like Compassionate Care for Women in Ministry: A Wholistic Approach to Understanding Anxiety and Depression and Flourishing” (led by Crystal Morla, Ph.D., Grace Sun Lee, D.Ed.Min., and Grace Ahn-Im, Psy.D.). This 6-session workshop will be held from March 4th through April 15th (not meeting April 8th on Easter weekend) on Saturdays. We will meet for 1.5 hours every week for 6 sessions. This track will equip women and women ministry leaders of all ages (21 years and older) to foster and seek compassionate care for themselves and those in their ministries who may struggle with Anxiety and Depression.

The workshop will be informative, interactive, and will include small breakout discussion groups. Those who participate will be equipped with tools and resources to recognize signs of anxiety and depression and identify strategies to care for themselves and others with the compassion of Christ. Praise God, “who comforts us in all of our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”—2 Cor 1:3-4

“If interested, please send an email to for further information. Space is limited” (Liz Hembekides).
*Download a PDF file 


We concluded our third WEW cohort, “Delighting in the Trinity” after six biweekly sessions from September 10th to November 19th, 2022 (led by Kathy Vucekovich). Twenty-two precious women from North America and Belize participated in this track. Women serving the Lord in UBF from ages 22 to 60+ joined all together, and also in small groups. We delved into seeking to know our Triune God better through Scripture and the book Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves. Video summaries of the chapters were shared at each session to help highlight the main points of the book, which is rich in doctrine yet written in a warm, pastoral way. Fellowship, prayer support, and Scripture meditation led by Dr. Liz Lincoln was also included in the sessions. One of the women participants described the cohort as: “Rich theology coupled with godly, edifying fellowship.” We thank God for His grace to bless this track, and thank you for your prayers!“

By K*athy Vucekovich and WEW team


We concluded our second WEW cohort, "Recharge!" after eight, one and a half hour biweekly sessions. Thirteen precious women from USA and Canada who have served in UBF for at least 20 years participated in this track. The course was designed specifically for women in our ministry. As women, juggling many responsibilities, we often neglect our own self-care, leading to stress and burnout. Using existing stress management tools, and adapting them to a biblical framework, this track was newly designed by Dr. L*iz and Dr. A*braham Lincoln to help women leaders abide in Christ in the midst of daily living. The attendees developed skills to recognize negative perspectives and reorient to Biblical mindsets (Ro 8:6), use scriptural meditation (Psalm 1:2), breathe (Genesis 2:7), and have mindful awareness of God (Ps 8:3). Through this, we learned to calm our minds and experience God’s presence more closely. Other simple self-care routines were covered. The women overwhelmingly testified that they experienced a recharge that enabled them to have more peace and joy in life and ministry. Through small group sharing time, they grew to know each other better and were mutually encouraged and strengthened by each other's faith. We thank God for blessing this track and strengthening our women leaders. Thank you for your prayers!

By Dr. L*iz Lincoln and WEW team



The first WEW track on Biblical Soul Care took place from September 4th to December 4th, 2021, with 16 track members from 10 North American chapters. For eight weeks, we were blessed to have the LoveBibleCounseling (LBC) team prayerfully share their expertise with us. The LBC team (led by Dr. G*race S L) presented on the subject of biblical soul care and led small group discussions.

This session ministered personally to our souls as we experienced the beauty and power of a one-another ministry that is Christ-centered, Scripture-based, and dependent on the Holy Spirit. We also learned practical tools that enabled us to apply the gospel to our lives and the lives of others in a new way, especially during the difficulties of life. Going forward, we expect to continue using what we learned. We give thanks to God for his blessing and for the LBC team’s ministry to us.

The second WEW track is being prepared to start in January 2022.


WEW (Women encouraging women) and LBC (Love Bible Counseling) teams worked together this week. G*race S Lee and A*ngela Roh presented biblical soul care session 2 this morning on September 18. Thank God for building the community in Jesus.